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August 25, 2012

Artist at work

When you work as an artist, you cannot stick to one format of painting if you expect to make a decent living. There are exceptions to the rule but not many. In my case, I spent a number of years as a Sign Painter. Sign Painting is very much a lost art form in today's world. The majority of signs today are produced using computers and vinyl.

This series of pictures were taken by my brother in law back in 1980 with a Olympus 35mm camera.

I was getting high on thinner fumes doing this job. Actually the company had to rent a cherry picker so that I could do the work, especially on the tail rudder because  it was so far off the ground. The numbers were 8 feet high even though they don't look like it in the pictures.

In all I painted the lettering on 6 Canso Aircraft and 3 DC 4's.

The company had tried to use vinyl lettering previous to this job but due to the rivets on the aircraft, cold weather, and uv rays the lettering just peeled off
while in flight. Sometimes new isn't better!
All of the Green Aircraft are DC-4's  while the Yellow Aircraft above is A Canso.

One last comment, I am afraid of heights so this job was shall we say the job was something of a CHALLENGE!

I don't do this kind of art or sign writing any more.